Friday, February 8, 2013

February Adventures!

Hello again everyone!

I'll begin with saying "I'm Sorry" to those of you in Eastern Canada, I understand a giant snowstorm has hit or is coming. But this does provides me with an opportunity to show what a BC winter can look like.
We currently are in 8 degree weather with the sun shining and the students studying outside. For those of you debating whether you should come out here to study, look closely at this picture, and then look outside. We're pretty blessed!

I'll get into what we've been up to! Those of you who read last week's post know that the students are currently in the middle of "Missions Month." The students were lucky to get to have Prof. Tim Stabell come out from Briercrest to teach History of Missions. I've heard some good reports back and it seems like the class was really able to better learn the theology behind why Christians do missions work. We're excited now to get out and serve people!

Prof Stabell also joined us for another adventure as we turned Pacific Woods lodge into a battlefield. We obtained a number of nerf guns and set out for battle. The two teams played a number of games against each other. We used all three floors and turned the night into quite the competition. As you can see, we also dressed the part, although I've heard some looked more intimidating than others (you be the judge!)

This Tuesday, we also took the students curling. It was amazing to see the difference between those that had curled before and those of us who had maybe seen it once on t.v. One of the nice things about curling I learned though, was that as long as you don't show where the rock goes after you throw it, everyone looks like a professional! I'll let you debate who has done this before, and who hasn't.

This will be the last blog post before we set out on our missions trips. Please pray for us! Between the trips to Vancouver and Mexico, we have prepared but really have no idea exactly what to expect as we serve the people in these places. I have been so impressed with the students willingness and excitement to serve in this way. Please pray that God will be able to take our servant hearts and use them for His glory in the places we are heading to! I'm excited already to get to report what God will do in each of these places. Stay tuned!

Also, thanks so much for everyone who supported the students with fundraising, both teams raised more than we needed and we are so blessed by everyone's generosity and care! Thanks!


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