Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gospels and Christmas lights!

In the midst of Gospels class, we thought to truly understand what is being learned it should come from one of the students.

So we are extremely grateful that one of our students, Rachael Allen, has written our post for this week! (Thanks Rachael!) We hope that you will be blessed in hearing a first-hand account of what is going on!

Most believers brush over the Gospels as stories about Jesus' birth, life and teachings and resurrection, and move on to much more applicable books such as the Letters of Paul. As students, we had come from this bias as well at the start of our Gospels class, taught by Wes Olmstead, a prof from Briercrest. This past week we had our largest content and significance course, 26 packages of notes and an entire lifetime worth of strengthened beliefs about our Savior. The morning after our final class, a group of us headed down to the dock and we stood in a circle looking at our great God's creation amidst the rain. As I heard the testimonies of changed hearts, lives, and theology from my classmates, there was nothing else I could do but marvel and praise God. This class has been so monumental as we learned about the history of 1st century Israel, the background of gospel texts and retraining ourselves to interpret Scripture based on what it actually says, not what our biases presume. 

A break from studying during the course was the mid-week trip to Ladysmith for the annual Christmas "Festival of Lights." It was so refreshing to laugh, play and enjoy Christmas with an entire town lit up with strings of coloured lights. The perpetual parade ran snaked through the town, ending in a finale of dazzling fireworks cascading in the night sky. It was such a needed break and reminder of the coming holiday that we were going to be spending with each other as well as back home with our families. Hooray for an eventful month, and God has blessed us immensely as we draw closer to him!

Rachael is pictured here in the front row - Green Jacket and Red Hat (Thanks Again Rachael!)

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